Complete Blower & Compressor Services Overview

Lone Star Is Your OEM Replacement Source For Blowers & Compressors

We provide parts and services for the following
blower and compressor brands.

Click on your blower & compressor manufacturer and scroll down to your model number
(if you do not see your specific brand or model please call our experts now at 832-532-3112 or submit a request for quote.)

Single Stage Blowers

Multistage Centrifugal Blowers


Centrifugal Compressors


Factory Service Overview:

Lone Star manufactures the most advanced centrifugal blowers and compressors in the world, but also offers factory service and repair for your existing equipment better than the OEM!

Field Service Overview:

Lone Star Manufactured Products:

Lone Star manufactures the blowers and compressors you want AND takes care of the units you have! We are not your typical repair center!

Multistage Centrifugal Blower Solutions for Your Plant or Facility
Centrifugal Blower & Exhauster Solutions for Your Plant or Facility
Centrifugal Compressor Solutions for Your Plant or Facility

testing-capabilities 2


Lone Star Overhaul Repair Compressor GearsAs a blower & compressor manufacturer, our factory specialists are trained in various blower technologies. Our repair process starts with a detailed disassembly and inspection. Beyond a repair, our application engineers work to find out the cause of failure and provide solutions to avoid future downtime.

All repaired or replaced products leave our factory with a same-as-new warranty and are fully run tested to maximum power and pressure to ensure maximum reliability.

Common reasons equipment is overhauled:

  • Process/Product buildup internally
  • Surge/Bearing failure
  • Locked Rotor
  • High Vibration
  • Flooded by Water
  • Improper Maintenance

Fast Turn Around Time

Our large stock of Lone Star manufactured parts means faster turnaround for Hoffman, Lamson, Gardner Denver, Atlas Copco, HSi, Turblex, Howden, Siemens, Roots, Continental, Hibon, Spencer, and National Turbine, Ingersoll Rand, FS Elliott, Atlas Copco, Sullair (IHI), and Hanwha Samsung centrifugal blowers and compressors*.  Click to find your brand and model.  A  full 1 year same as new warranty applies to all overhauls.

Well-trained and expert technicians

Lone Star experienced technicians can not only offer field service but complete preventative maintenance programs as well, including complete troubleshooting and repair capabilities of the entire system from the controls (PLC) to all actuators or sensors.

Repair Process

Root Cause Analysis:

Detailed disassembly and inspection procedures as well as material root cause analysis can help determine causes of failure and prevent new failures. Lone Star manufactures all parts for these blowers and compressors to allow fast and efficient services.

Complete Testing:

Our test stand can fully mechanically run blowers up to 4,000 hp. On site capabilities for Balancing , Vibration analysis, complete engineering service, positive material identification, and more. See our complete testing capabilities.

Performance Testing:

We offer ASME PTC-10 performance testing for blowers to offer positive proof of performance when needed.

Rerate Your Blower:

We can re-rate performance of your blower by changing, adding or removing impellers, gear ratios, impeller cuts, or adapting a new control system for your existing blower.


Our technician arrives with all tools and supplies to completely maintain your unit:

• Class 1 or Class 2 type services for integrally geared turbo blowers
• Annual or Semiannual services for multistage centrifugal blowers
• Vibration Analysis
• Power Quality Analyzer
• Laptop with Interface Software to Allen Bradley or Siemens PLC
• Laser Alignment
• Oil Sample and Analysis
• Complete lubrication changes with disposal


Re-rates are changing the performance of the equipment.
Majority of re-rates keep the same dimensions.



Re-rates (also known as Performance Change or Change Performance) are changing the performance of the equipment. Majority of re-rates keep the same dimensions.

80% are not sized properly. [80% of what are not sized properly?]

Re-rates are changing the performance of the equipment. Majority of re-rates keep the same dimensions.

Common reasons units are re-rated:

• Increase or Decrease Flow
• Increase pressure rise
• Increase turndown capability
• Increase energy efficiency

Geared Turbo are re-rated:

• Change Gear Set
• Cut Down Impeller
• Add VFD and Controls

Multistage Turbo are re-rated:

• Change Impeller Mix
• Add or Delete Stages
• Change Control to VFD

ReRates-Performance Chart


Contact Lone Star Turbo

Centrifugal Blower & Compressor Service Menu

Lone Star manufacturers and stocks blower and compressor parts for Hoffman Parts*, Lamson Parts*, Gardner Denver Parts*, HSi Parts*, Atlas Copco Parts*, Howden Parts*, Siemens Parts*, HV-TURBO Parts*, Turblex Parts* Single Stage and Multistage Turbo Blowers.

Our in-stock blower parts and compressor parts include:

  • Blower Bearing Kit
  • Blower Bearing & Seal Kit
  • Blower Repair Kit
  • Blower Seals Kit
  • Blower Bearing Housings Kit
  • Blower Gears Kit
  • Blower Impellers Kit

  • Blower Shafts Kit
  • Blower Cast Iron
  • Blower Rotating Assembly
  • Blower Coupling Kit
  • Blower Gasket Kit
  • Blower Spacers Kit
  • Blower Valves Kit
  • Blower Actuator Kit

Call an Aftermarket Parts Specialist now at 832-532-3112 or submit a request for quote to Place Your Order Today.

Lone Star specializes in dynamic compression of geared, gearless and multistage centrifugal blowers and compressors from   Hoffman, Lamson, Gardner Denver, Atlas Copco, HSi, Turblex, Howden, Siemens, Roots, Continental, Hibon, Spencer, National Turbine, Ingersoll Rand, FS Elliott, Atlas Copco, Sullair (IHI), and Hanwha Samsung and other brands*. 

Services, Part, & Repairs in the Americas & Beyond:

Lone Star Blower’s Factory Headquarters is in Houston, Texas and is equipped to provide single stage and multistage turbo blower, and compressor service, parts, repair, and rebuild services throughout North America and South America.

Click on your State, Providence, or Territory below to learn how we can assist you!