Atlas Copco Multistage Turbo Blower *
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Single Stage Blowers

Multistage Centrifugal Blowers

Centrifugal Compressors

Atlas Copco ZM 51 Multistage Turbo Blower *
Original Manufacturer(s) | HSI *, Atlas Copco * |
Model Designations | 5101, 5102, 5103, 5104, 5105, 5106, 5107, 5108, 5109, 5110 |
ALL PARTS SUPPORTED Lone Star manufactures aftermarket parts Bearing Kit A complete kit with gaskets and replacements needed for a simple bearing change Seal Kit (air) A complete kit replacing all the labyrinth or carbon ring seals and gaskets Seal Kit (gas) A complete kit to replace all the carbon ring seals and gaskets Impellers and Spacers – Cast or Fabricated Specify part number or vane count of each impeller needed Baffle Rings Turning vanes with clips or lock screws Shaft Specify stages and configuration (inlet or outlet drive), (gas or air), (oil or grease) Bearing Housing Open or closed, oil or grease and any required caps or reservoirs Blower Casings Inlet, outlet or intermediate cast iron housings Complete Rotating Assembly Let Lone Star provide you with a brand new complete assembly balanced and ready REPLACEMENT ACCESSORIES Constant Level Oiler Upgrade or replace to a constant level oiler to reduce maintenance cycles Cooling Fan Replace or retrofit a discharge cooling fan to extend bearing life Star Lube® Replacement Oil Star Lube® synthetic lubricants can greatly reduce maintenance intervals and protect equipment Couplings Direct Replacements or Upgrades Motor Direct Replacements or Upgrades Sensors Temperature, Vibration, Current Transducer replaced as required Air Filters Direct Replacements or Upgrades Valves and Actuators Repair or replaced inlet valve, isolation valve, check valves and actuators Expansion Joints Replace old expansion joints – EPDM, VITON, Stainless Steel OPTIONAL SERVICE Field Service & Preventative Maintenance Let Lone Star come to you Overhaul/Repair Fast immediate service by specialist for this type of equipment – Same as new warranty on complete blower Drop in Remanufactured Replacement Direct replacement unit that is parts interchangeable and performance equal with same as new warranty Re-Rate (change the performance of your blower) Let Lone Star engineer a new performance by changing impellers or adding or removing stages sLOC® Local Control Panels Lone Star sLOC® local control panels to retrofit your current blower. Modern PLC, VFD and network integration New Replacement Blower System Lone Star manufacturers the most modern and efficient blowers in the world Rental Units Need immediate replacements, let Lone Star ship a rental unit today Performance Testing Lone Star can performance test to ASME PTC-10, ASME PTC-13, ISO-5389 and up to 15,000 hp
Repair a Atlas Copco ZM 51 Multistage Turbo Blower *
Service a Atlas Copco ZM 51 Multistage Turbo Blower *
Atlas Copco ZM 51 Multistage Turbo Blower * Parts
*Lone Star is not affiliated with any brand listed on this page, they do not endorse the remanufacturing of blowers or compressors by Lone Star.
Lone Star manufactures parts that meet the quality standards of Lone Star only and any and all warranties are solely from Lone Star.
Services, Part, & Repairs in the Americas & Beyond:
Lone Star Blower’s Factory Headquarters is in Houston, Texas and is equipped to provide single stage and multistage turbo blower, and compressor service, parts, repair, and rebuild services throughout North America and South America.
Click on your State, Providence, or Territory below to learn how we can assist you!